MDL College Preparation

How to select courses that will enable your student to succeed at college. 
MDL College Planning is there for you and your student to assist with high school class selection, to develop a "brag" sheet or resume and to prepare for the SAT and/or ACT exams.

MDL Services Text Counseling 2

How to pick the school that’s the right “fit” for your student. 
We develop a list of 10 to 12 colleges (including safety, target and reach schools) that provide your child with the best chance to succeed in his or her chosen field of study.

MDL Services Text Admissions

How to navigate the complex and time-consuming college admissions process.
MDL College Planning is close at hand when your student completes public or private college applications, chooses essay prompts, brainstorms essay ideas and begins writing essay drafts. We help organize and motivate your student.

MDL Services Text Financial Aid

How to pick the school that’s the right fit for your student AND your bank account.
MDL College Planning assists our families with processing financial aid forms including the FAFSA and the CSS Profile. We ensure all required documents are gathered to complete these forms in a timely manner. We also research scholarships which may be applicable for your student.